Rewarding Producers for Regenerative Ag
Using the Eco-Harvest Producer Portal
The Producer Portal is the access point to enroll in Eco-Harvest. Through the portal, producers can set up an account, enter into an agreement for generation and sale of assets, and safely and securely enter the required information.
If you have questions on Eco-Harvest, please contact a member of our team.
To get started, register here to set up an account.
Eco-Harvest Is Producer-Focused
ESMC’s Eco-Harvest program rewards agricultural producers for beneficial environmental outcomes from regenerative agriculture – including increased soil carbon, reduced greenhouse gases, and improved water quality. Eco-Harvest’s outcomes-based program generates high-demand carbon, greenhouse gas, and water quality credits.
Focusing first and foremost on producers, Eco-Harvest is designed to encourage regenerative agricultural production systems that create sound social, economic, and environmental outcomes to benefit producers, local communities, consumers, and society.
Participating producers have autonomy to decide which practice changes are best suited to their operation based on a menu of specific practices/systems. Producers pay no fees and do not have to purchase subscriptions or inputs to participate in Eco-Harvest. The measured outcomes of their practices, turned into credits, are sold to corporate buyers in the agricultural supply chain. Buyers can deliver on their corporate reporting and finance is funneled to producers.
The program recognizes and rewards the invaluable public benefits of producers’ environmental stewardship on private land.
For more information on our work, visit the ESMC Website.
Producer Participation in Eco-Harvest
ESMC is currently conducting Eco-Harvest projects for both market projects and pilot projects. Eco-Harvest market projects are those that are market ready and where all components have been market tested and are launched at scale across market project regions. Eco-Harvest pilot projects are those that are focusing on research and innovation questions.
Eco-Harvest pilot projects typically run for one to two years and are intended to roll over into scaled Eco-Harvest market projects once the identified research questions have been answered and market readiness criteria are achieved.
Whether producers are participating in Eco-Harvest market projects or pilot projects, the general steps are the same and include producer outreach, engagement and technical assistance to enable practice changes, enrollment, soil sampling, credit quantification and verification, generation, and credit sale, resulting in payments.

The Eco-Harvest Producer Enrollment Process
After producers join a project, they then implement practice changes. The following is the program enrollment process through the Producer Portal.
1. Producer Enrollment
Requires completion of the account creation process – producers provide contact information, review and agree to ESMC’s Privacy Policy, and select a Project in which they will participate.
3. Program Submission
The producer formally submits fields with the associated practice changes identified and signs the Producer Agreement.
5. Data Entry
Agricultural management practices can be entered by the Producer and/or Advisor and/or imported from other 3rd party data collection systems. The data is formally submitted for asset quantification and generation. This includes self-certification of data entered and signing of the Producer Agreement. Submission must be completed by December 31st (following the end of the crediting year).
2. Field Selection
Completed through ESMC’s easy-to-use interface which initiates stratification for developing a soil sampling plan. This step also allows a Producer to assign optional data access and editing permission to an Advisor who can assist a Producer with data entry.
4. Soil Sampling
Fields will be stratified, and a soil sampling plan generated. ESMC will coordinate the scheduling of soil sampling with contractors, project partners and producers. Soil samples will be sent to a contracted laboratory to be analyzed for soil carbon, bulk density, pH and phosphorus.
About Your Data
ESMC Producer Privacy Policy
Presented/approved electronically upon registration