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Release Notes, March 9, 2023



Added Features

  • The MRV’s Fields and Practice Changes Review process has been fully integrated into the application. There will be additional updates to add validation as needed. Once the MRV’s upcoming AdobeSign Contract is integrated, there will be additional updates to handle a field’s QA/QC outside of the initial year, which reduces the amount of checks done. The producer will submit their Fields and Practice Changes module (click the done button) to start the review process. If the producer does not have any issues preventing them from continuing, this will create a set of validation checks. These checks will be used to generate a dynamic QA/QC review page for that reviewer. The administrator/staff account will view the producer’s account and enter the review. The review will require markings and explanations for all required checks before the review can be marked as approved. A producer’s review is able to be rejected but at this time, no email is sent to the producer to notify them of the rejection. The project partners and the producer will work independently of the MRV to resolve any issues and the admin/staff will either continue the review, with the updated information, or will unlock the producer’s account for the process to be restarted.
  • Additional validation has been added into the MRV to adjust the producer’s workflow and integrate the review process. Once the producer’s QA/QC is approved, that will enable the producer and or their delegate to submit the producer agreement. Note, this would still be restricted to the 2021-2022 producers until the upcoming release of the AdobeSign integration. Producers that do not have a completed review will not be able to submit their agreement.
  • The Crops module has been updated to have an increased range for the date picker. Uses will have an additional 3 months where they can mark the event as being done. The range will now be December 31st of the current year and will go back to the June 1st of the previous year. This will enable users with early tillage or cover crop dates to input their data into the correct MRV season.
  • The MRV had additional selection options added to the Crops module’s cover crop event. Users will now be able to select Rapeseed/Canola, Sorghum, and Sudangrass. Note, the selection of these and other selections in the Crops module is dependent on what the project has configured in the “crops settings”.

Known Issues

  • Producers that have self-registered on the registration page will show a status of N/A on the MRV’s admin pages. Once the producer’s enrollment request is approved or denied, the producer’s status will be updated.
  • The Fields and Practice Changes Review requires the user to save before the comments and markings are saved in the database. If the reviewer leaves the review before saving their progress, it will not be saved and the reviewer will need to start over.
  • Emails will not generate for the Fields and Practices Changes Review approval. This was temporary disabled while the AdobeSign changes are incorporated into the MRV. Once the Adobe sign feature is integrated, producers will receive an email when the Fields and Practice Changes Review is marked as approved and the producer is required to sign a contract for that enrollment/collection year.

Fixed Issues

  • The “associated areas” utilized in the MRV’s conversion of cropland to grassland practice change will no longer be case sensitive and will not allow the user to save two areas as “area 1” and “Area 1”. The user will see a warning when they attempt to save something that uses the same case insensitive text.
  • The issue with some producer tables appearing incorrectly on the MRV’s administrative pages has been fixed. This was mainly found on pages where there was an enrollment/collection year filter.
  • Additional formatting updates were done to the soil sampling page’s list of fields. Fields will continue to be only from producers who have completed a producer agreement.
  • The Crops module’s ordering has been updated to allow easier reading and data entry. Users will continue to see the MRV’s in a standard order but when appropriate, will be additionally ordered by date. When the season has multiple same events such as tillage or fertilizer events, these will now be shown sorted by date.
  • The MRV’s validation for the “normal operation” practice change was corrected to ignore the marking in the field’s later years. This was incorrectly tying the practice change marking from a different year to the year being submitted. This has been correct and users are able to submit a field that has a later year marked with the “normal operation” practice change.
  • The Fields and Practice Changes Review had a page layout adjustment that fixed the long scroll. Users will now see the review page with a collapsible “Approved” section. This will shorten the amount of scrolling to the save and submit/reject button. Note, the review requires the save button to be clicked before the review can be approved.
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