Tag: Practice Change

Posted on: May 16, 2023 Posted by: Thayer Tomlinson Comments: 0

Does nutrient management have to carry over to the next crop?

Question: What if a producer elects the practice change “nutrient management” on their crop, the next time the producer grows that crop, does the producer have to use the same amount of fertilizer the next time that crop is grown? Answer: If a producer makes a reduction in application, ESMC expects the producer to maintain or improve that reduction.

Posted on: May 16, 2023 Posted by: Thayer Tomlinson Comments: 0

What happens if an external factor impacts a practice change?

Question: What happens if an external factor, such as weather, results in a producer being unable to execute a planned practice change or an unintended reversal of a previous practice change? A: ESMC understands that many factors outside of a producer’s control, referred to as Act of God events in our General Terms and Conditions, may result in a producer being unable to execute a practice change or an unintended…

Posted on: April 26, 2023 Posted by: Thayer Tomlinson Comments: 0

Can a producer enroll with an unmaintained practice change?  

Question: What if, a few years ago a producer tried an ESMC-approved practice change and did not maintain it, can the producer still enroll with this practice change? Answer: The producer may be eligible to enroll with this practice change but should discuss the specifics with the project representative or contact ESMC for additional clarification.

Posted on: October 18, 2022 Posted by: Gershwin Marks Comments: 0

Can producers add new practice changes to fields with future seasons?

Can producers add new practice changes to fields with future seasons Question: Can producers add new practice changes to fields with future seasons? Answer: A: Yes. Producers can add new practice changes to fields over time. Before enrolling a new practice change a producer should discuss it with their ESMC project partner representative. For more information on applying a practice change to a field within the MRV application, see how…

Posted on: October 18, 2022 Posted by: Gershwin Marks Comments: 0

How do I apply a practice change?

How do I add a practice change to my field(s) Question: I’ve provide my fields and want to apply my planned practice changes. How do I apply these to my field? Answer: In order to apply practice changes, you will need to be in the Fields and Practice Changes module. To apply a practice change on a single field, simply click on the desired field and then select the “SELECT PRACTICE CHANGES”…