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Release Notes, April 19, 2023
This release includes the AdobeSign capability. Now, the MRV will utilize AdobeSign documents for its Producer Agreement. The restriction on 2023 producer agreements and onwards has been removed from the MRV. All producers can utilize the AdobeSign regardless of their enrollment/collection year. The MRV no longer has a default contract. Only certain projects have a contract linked and utilized. If a producer is in a project without a contract, they can continue to use the MRV but will be unable to mark their Producer Agreement module as completed. Additional MRV features such as the validation have been updated to incorporate the contract work. For example, one of the previous checks on producer overlaps has been changed to utilize the contract data points. Instead of flagging any producer overlaps, the MRV will now only flag when the overlap is happening with a field in an active contract.
Another new feature included in this release will allow administrators and staff accounts to export out the field/stratification data as a geojson format. In addition to the stratification service being restarted, this geojson will expand the MRV’s export capability. Users can continue to choose the JSON option as an export option. Another change included in this release is the use of state and county GIS data along with utilizing the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS). Both the field and the user’s state and county data points were changed to utilize the correct FIPS value. The MRV’s fields and practices had additional migration done in this release. Users that previously never had to answer questions that are now required had their data migrated based on what their Crops module data entry was. Questions such as “planned crop” or “intent to harvest” were populated based off the producer’s actual data input. Users opening new enrollment/collection years will need to answer all required questions before their section can be submitted.
Added Features
- Adobe Sign has been integrated into the MRV on a project level. Each project can have a distinct producer agreement that is utilized by those project producers. If the project does not have a contract, the MRV can still be utilized but the producer’s Producer Agreement module can’t be marked as completed. Once the producer submits their Fields and Practice Changes module, an Adobe agreement is generated.
- The MRV now contains a scheduled service that communicates with the AdobeSign platform. Every two hours the MRV will check with Adobe to see if any of the producer agreements marked as not signed, have been signed but were not updated in the MRV.
- The MRV’s stratification export will now support an additional format. Users will now be able to choose between a json format and a geojson format. Both export options are able to utilize the export’s multi-select behavior. Note, both exports formats would require the producer to have completed their producer agreement and a successful stratification before the field(s) would show in the table.
- The MRV will utilize an internal email for the Adobe contract notifications. This is done to prevent the user from signing their contract before the MRV’s validation and reviews can be done.
- The MRV’s application database will now contain GIS data for states and counties. In addition to now utilizing these data points, the MRV will also now utilize the FIPS systems for both the user and fields.
Known Issues
- Producers that have self-registered on the registration page will show a status of N/A on the MRV’s admin pages. Once the producer’s enrollment request is approved or denied, the producer’s status will be updated.
- The Fields and Practice Changes Review requires the user to save before the comments and markings are saved in the database. If the reviewer leaves the review before saving their progress, it will not be saved and the reviewer will need to start over.
- Emails will not generate for the Fields and Practices Changes Review approval. This was temporarily disabled while the AdobeSign changes are further incorporated into the MRV. Once the Adobe sign feature is integrated, producers will receive an email when the Fields and Practice Changes Review is marked as approved and the producer is required to sign a contract for that enrollment/collection year.
Fixed Issues
- The project’s soil page had the field table fixed to show the correct list of fields. Users will only see fields from producers that have signed their producer agreement and the field has had its stratification successfully done.
- The MRV’s terms and conditions and privacy policy have been updated. Both documents are no longer part of the MRV’s source code and will be pointed at the separately managed web page where these documents are stored.
- The MRV’s stratification service has been restarted. There were previous issues that prevented field from being successfully stratified. Fields that were waiting and marked as queued, have begun to be resent to the stratification web-service.
- The bug affecting the conversion of cropland to grassland in the review process has been fixed. Previously, fields with this practice and “associated areas” would trigger a field intersection warning upon submission. Users will no longer see this error message and are able to continue with their enrollment/submission.
- Producers had data migration applied to their Fields and Practice Changes module where appropriate. Data points like “planned crop” or “intent to harvest” have been populated for those producers who never marked these and or submitted prior to them being an application requirement.
- The MRV’s connection with the AdobeSign has been updated to resolve the periodic failing when a producer submits their fields and practices.
- The bug affecting the ability to add additional ESMC administrator or staff accounts has been fixed. Users will no longer see a project link needed before these accounts could be added. Project administrators and staff will still require a project link before their account can be added.
- The bug affecting the correct banner for a producer’s Fields and Practice Changes Review has been fixed. Users will now see the correct status such as “review completed” instead of the incorrect “review in progress” that was previously happening.
- This release contained a change to fix the HASURA meta data inconsistent states. This was affecting other parts of the MRV and its external services.
- The MRV’s Crops module has been updated to fix a bug when adding a tillage or grazing event. The bug allowing a “no till” with a tillage event has been fixed. Additionally, the bug that caused a tillage event to be added instead of a grazing event has been fixed.
- The bug affecting an invited producer’s registration has been fixed. Invited producers will now see the existing data points if the producer’s account had those fields already filled out. Previously all users, regardless of the existing data, were shown a blank profile section.
- The MRV’s validation for overlaps between ESMC producers has been updated to look at the contract marking. If the field is overlapping with a field that has an active contract, the MRV will show a warning during the producer’s Fields and Practice Changes Review.
- The issue that prevented some users from having their year two Fields and Practice Changes Review has been fixed. Users in a project with a one year contract length will now be able to move past their review stage.
- The MRV had another bug fixed for the fields review section. The reviewer would previously see the approve option as click-able but the application would not make a change if the button was clicked. This has been fixed and the review is able to be marked as approved if all the other required data points have been provided.