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Release Notes, March 22, 2023


This release contains a couple of fixes while the MRV’s AdobeSign work is integrated into other parts of the MRV. Users will notice a couple of behavior changes in the MRV’s Fields and Practice Changes module. When a producer has a field marked with the conversion of cropland to grassland practice change and the “associated areas” are outside of the expected field acreage range, the MRV will ignore the record. The “associated area” will no longer be part of the acreage validation and users will not see a warning message about unexpected acreage when submitting their fields for review. Another fix in the Fields and Practice Changes module will resolve the bug affecting the user’s actual crop. Some users saw a “something failed” message when attempting to add the commodity that was actually planted on the field for that enrollment/collection season. This was due to the field not having the required Crops module season record yet. The MRV will now create the season record in addition to the planting/harvest record when the field does not have an existing season. The full list of release notes has been included below.

Added Features

  • No new features have been included in this release.

Known Issues

  • Producers that have self-registered on the registration page will show a status of N/A on the MRV’s admin pages. Once the producer’s enrollment request is approved or denied, the producer’s status will be updated.
  • The Fields and Practice Changes Review requires the user to save before the comments and markings are saved in the database. If the reviewer leaves the review before saving their progress, it will not be saved and the reviewer will need to start over.
  • Emails will not generate for the Fields and Practices Changes Review approval. This was temporarily disabled while the AdobeSign changes are incorporated into the MRV. Once the Adobe sign feature is integrated, producers will receive an email when the Fields and Practice Changes Review is marked as approved and the producer is required to sign a contract for that enrollment/collection year.

Fixed Issues

  • The Fields and Practice Changes Review has been fixed to resolve a bug where the approved review becomes editable. Once a producer’s review is approved, the review will become locked for editing. The review being locked will continue as the producer moves through later stages of the enrollment/collection year.
  • The MRV’s acreage validation has been adjusted to check to see what type or field the record is. Users will no longer see the warning message about unexpected acreage when the field(s) they are submitting include “associated areas”. Records that are not marked as “associated” areas will continue to utilize the MRV’s acreage validation and can still be submitted but will create a warning in the Fields and Practice Changes Review.
  • The Fields and Practice Changes actual crop option was fixed. Users will no longer see a “something failed” message when defining the actual crop within the fields and practices module. This was previously happening to users that had a field created but had not generated a Crops module season record yet. In addition to creating the planting/harvest events in the Crops module, the MRV will now create the required season record when needed.
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