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Release Notes, February 15, 2023
This release continues the needed work for supporting the MRV’s “Conversion of Cropland to Grassland” practice change. Multiple issues related to this practice change and its “associated areas” have been resolved with this release.This release also adds additional validation after the Crops module has been completed. Users will complete their Crops module and then will submit their data. At the submission, the MRV will run a validation check to ensure the producer has a baseline year. This baseline year would be a previous year where the same commodity was utilized. At this time, the commodity would be the season’s last crop. If the field does not contain this baseline year, the MRV will ask for the last year the commodity was planted. Based on the producer’s response, the MRV will add an additional season that will need to be completed.
Multiple issues with the “Conversion of Cropland to Grassland” have been fixed in this release. Users will now notice that while they can draw a shape of their choosing, the MRV will only save the area where it intersects the primary field. Producers will also notice the ability to submit their Fields and Practice Changes module when they have a field marked with the “Conversion of Cropland to Grassland” practice change. The MRV will allow the module to be submitted and the field will become locked for editing in the following years. This means that while primary fields can have multiple conversion areas, additional areas are not able to be added in future years. The full list of release notes has been included below.
Added Features
- The MRV will now have additional validation after the Crops module. Users will have their data checked to make sure the last crop of the season is present in the historical years. This ensures that the producer has a baseline. If the producer’s historical data does not contain the same commodity, the MRV will ask for the last year it was planted. The MRV will add that additional year for only the field that needs the baseline created.
- The MRV’s “Conversion of cropland to grassland” had additional validation added in the Fields and Practice Changes module. Producers that have that practice change marked on their field(s) will now be required to provided those “associated areas”.
Known Issues
- Producers that have self-registered on the registration page will show a status of N/A on the MRV’s admin pages. Once the producer’s enrollment request is approved or denied, the producer’s status will be updated.
Fixed Issues
- The behavior for the producer’s “Conversion of cropland to grassland” year two has been corrected. Users can apply the practice change to any year but once the practice is applied and the field has been submitted, changes are not able to be made in later years.
- Producers with the “Conversion of cropland to grassland” are now able to utilize the Fields and Practice Changes done button correctly. These users will no longer see an error message or a blank dialog box when submitting their module.
- MRV administrator and staff accounts will see the “unlock” button for producers that are in the “Fields Submitted” state. This producer state was previously hiding the button until the producer’s agreement had been signed. Administrator and staff accounts can now unlock producer’s accounts while they are still in the Fields and Practices Review stage.
- The issue with saving edits to MRV primary fields has been resolved. With the release of the “associated fields” concept, some users had issues saving a boundary change to an existing primary field. This issue will no longer happen and all field boundary edits will save regardless of the practice change assigned to the field.
- The Crops module planting event’s duplication feature has been fixed to resolve the issue with not all data points being copied over. This duplication feature will now copy over the additional event markings (planting failure, organic, harvested cover crop).
- The mixture of drop-down formats has been standardized in the MRV application. All drop-downs will follow a descending ordering pattern.
- The API documentation has been updated for the “field” endpoint.
- The cover crop practice change validation, for the initial year, has been fixed. The MRV will now look for the field’s baseline year and will ignore the other years when performing the check.
- The initial year practice change validation has also been fixed for the “Tillage Reduction”, “Nutrient Management”, “Cropland Grazing”, “Drainage Water Treatment”, and “Surface Water Management” practice changes. Future MRV releases will add final review and approval behavior and capability.