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Release Notes, September 21, 2021
Created OnOctober 4, 2021
Last Updated OnOctober 11, 2021
byGershwin Marks
This release features the deployment of the field boundary validation. This will allow users to see what fields overlap with other marked fields. The validation will also inform the user if they are missing and Practice Changes for each field. A “No Change” option has been included in the list of practice changes that will allow users to capture a field for possible future enrollment. Fields that are marked with the “No Change” option will not be part of the fields that a producer submits until that a valid practice change is given. The ability to mark practice changes has been enhanced and allows users to select their needs changes easier.
Added Features
- The ability to mark practice changes has been updated again. The ability to automatically have the practice change dropdown when you click on the Select practice change text or current practice changes, has been implemented. Users now have multiple ways to assign practice changes to fields individually and can apply selections to multiple fields at once.
- A field’s info dialog box has been reformatted and will now show the practice changes associated with that field.
- Users clicking the “DONE” button in the Fields & Practice module will now see a list of those fields that overlap and will be informed if any practice changes are missing.
- Project abbreviations have been increased to 8 characters and the ability to use – and _ special characters have been added.
Known Issues
- The module status/fill for the Fields & Practice changes still needs to be adjusted to conform with the simple module UI patterns and rules.
- The ability to change a Field name as well as the ability to edit a field directly from the Field’s dialog box is still a work in progress and has not been implemented.
Fixed Issues
- Cookies are being cleared on the server side when an user logs out.
- When creating a field, the save dialog box no longer lingers on map when you remove your selection.
- The producer permission page had a section’s title updated to include Project Staff for those admin accounts with the ability to view/edit a producer account.
- The ability to force CLU boundaries to show when entering the fields and selection module with a zoom > 500m has been fixed. Users entering the module with a large zoom level will need to zoom in and those selection features will appear when the zoom reaches 500m.
- Marking a field with a practice of “No Change” will remove all other practice changes and not allow you to have “No Change” as part of a combination.
- Double clicking on a name in the list of fields, renaming, and hitting enter will no longer refresh the page and the name change is now saved.
- Selecting a field within the list of fields will no longer change your displayed order of fields. The selection you choose will no longer automatically move to the top of the seen list. Clicking a field on the map will still highlight that selection and bring it to the top of the list.
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