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Release Notes, April 28, 2022


This release introduces a new feature into the Fields and Practice Changes module. Users will now be able to select their planned crops for each enrollment year. Future releases will introduce additional validation and rules that relate to the selection of “Planned Crops”. Users can provide up to 5 crops per enrollment year and will additionally be asked if there are plans to harvest their planned selection. Users will have a second option for providing an “Actual Crop”. This “Actual Crop” input is connected to the Crops module and captures what ended up being planted/harvested. Creating a planting record in either module (Fields and Practice Changes or Crops), will show the record in the other module and the same for when a change is made. The Fields and Practice Changes module was additionally updated to include the descriptions for each practice change, within the module.

The release includes some minor fixes for issues that were found. The display of the date for all events has been standardized to be the format of YYYY-MM-DD. The issue with practice changes changing the UI layout has been fixed. Practice changes with longer text will have the text trimmed. Users can hover over the icon or text for a full name. Advisors and delegates had their landing pages updated to have ordering done by the producer’s display name. This was previously changing as producers were added to the advisor/delegate accounts. A full list of release notes has been included below.

Added Features

  • The Fields and Practice Changes module has been updated to include the description of the practice change within the module. Users will now see a collapsible arrow when opening the “Select Practice Changes” drop-down. The practice change descriptions can be opened and closed as needed.
  • MRV will now support the ability to store planned crops. Users can now mark what they are planning to plant within the enrollment year. This feature is located within in the Fields and Practice Changes module. Additionally, there is an option for marking “Actual Crop”. This will create planting event records in the Crops module. For 2021 users with access to the Crops module, this feature connects between modules. Users without access to the Crops module will see a “Feature coming soon” message for the “Actual Crop” option.
  • The release includes a behind-the-scenes feature that automatically sets the anonymized field name/number as fields are created or moved. This was previously being set as needed and will allow for MRV data to be displayed dynamically in dashboards.

Known Issues

  • Admin pages will need to have aggregated data adjusted to either be a sum of years or default to a single year when the page does not have an enrollment toggle option.
  • Leaving administrator seen pages and returning will not always remain on the same page with the same filter that was being applied to the page results. If an administrator or staff member views a project and selects the enrollment year to be 2021 and views a producer, they return to the project page in year 2022.

Fixed Issues

  • The Crops module has been updated to display the date format consistently. Users will now see the date displayed in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. This is the same format as the MRV’s exports and the same way the UI displays the user’s chosen date.
  • Advisors and Delegates had their landing page updated to have their producers ordered by their display name, which is the combination of first & last name.
  • The Fields and Practice Changes modules has been updated to fix the display of longer practice changes. When Users select a single practice change, the practice change’s icon and text will show for that field. Practice changes with longer text values would change the UI display and created different layouts within the list of fields. This has been corrected and longer text has been trimmed. Users hovering over either the practice change icon or snipped text, can see the full text of the practice.
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