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Release Notes, April 5, 2022


This release features a fix to the performance issue affecting both producers and administrator/staff accounts. Users will no longer have to wait an extended period for their enrollment homepage to load. This optimization will additionality improve the loading time for the Crops module, which continues to only be open for 2021 enrollees. All users will now have access to the 2021 Crop Data Layer (CDL) as a map overlay option. MRV’s current CDL range contains the years 2016 through 2021. Users will enable the new data later the same way as the previous CDL options. Another fix found in this release is the improvement on the practice change filter. Changes being applied while the filter is applied will no longer clear the filter selection. A full list of items included in the release has been included below.

Added Features

  • The Crop Data Layer (CDL) has been updated and the 2021 data has been added to MRV’s database. Users utilizing the CDL map overlay feature will now have access to the years 2016 through 2021. This feature continues to be accessible through the Fields & Practice Changes module while in draw or edit mode. There are plans to have this feature be accessible without being in either an “edit” or “drawing” mode.
  • MRV has been updated to automatically assign a “user by project” value. This is used to help anonymize the producer when it comes to reporting and data aggregation. Each project has its distinct list of ID numbers and as producers are added or moved into projects, their “user by project” value is created/updated.

Known Issues

  • Admin pages will need to have aggregated data adjusted to either be a sum of years or default to a single year when the page does not have an enrollment toggle option.
  • Leaving administrator seen pages and returning will not always remain on the same page with the same filter that was being applied to the page results. If an administrator or staff member views a project and selects the enrollment year to be 2021 and views a producer, they return to the project page in year 2022.
  • The Crops module had an adjustment made to the completion percentage calculation. While this improves the calculation, it is based on the minimum response able to be given and the existing data. This adjustment does not factor in the use of “Incomplete” When the user utilizes the option of “Incomplete”, the progress percentage will not change to “Completed”.

Fixed Issues

  • Both administrator/staff and users alike will no longer have performance issues when loading their accounts or viewing a producer’s account. The loading times have also improved for users with access to the Crops module. The queries calculating the producer’s status and completion percentage have been optimized to improve both areas. Previously users loading their own account or viewing a producer account would experience a delay before their enrollment homepage would load.
  • The previously updated administrative page layout has been further improved. When the page next/back option is selected, the user will automatically be brought to the top of the list.
  • The “Add Project” functionality has been updated to include the same data points the “Edit Project” functionality contains. Project creation will now include the additional data points for “turning on/off enrollment”, “Archiving the project”, and “Setting the project as a demo”.
  • The filter on the administrative pages has been updated. Users will no longer see the filter dropdown automatically open when leaving the dialog open and navigating to a different page.
  • The arrow direction on the “Viewing/Editing” bread crumb has been updated to point left and to be at the start of the bread crumb. This allows a more intuitive display for users wanting to leave the producer’s account. Users can continue to utilize their browser page back to leave the producer as well.
  • The CDL viewing functionality has been updated to be the same for both “adding” and “editing” fields. When in either mode and selecting the map overlay, the 2021 CDL layer will automatically begin loading and display.
  • The practice change filter has been updated to fix a bug when the filter was turned on and a practice change was made. Users will now be able to filter the list based on practice changes and then make changes to that sub list without losing changes to their filter settings.
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