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Release Notes, December 10, 2021
Created OnDecember 10, 2021
Last Updated OnDecember 28, 2021
byGershwin Marks
This release includes an additional field residue question. There will be a follow-up release that removes the Biomass removal event and ties it to the field’s harvest record. All events in the crop module, excluding enrollment year, will now have a “No Data” option. This marking is only present in the historical years and will allow the user to mark the section as being done when the information is unknown. Producers and their delegates will have the ability to edit their data a final time before the end of year submission.
Added Features
- The Biomass event has an additional data point added for the percentage of field covered by residual. A follow up release will adjust the Biomass event again and the needed questions will be tied to the harvest record as an additional question.
- Events in the crop module now have a “No Data” option. This is not available for the enrollment year and for the historical planting and harvest events. Using the “No Data” option will allow you to mark a section done when the data is unavailable for that event. Each event still has required data points so any event with partial data should be left as such. The next update will include an “Incomplete” button that allows required data points to be ignored but the field/year will be flagged for reviewal.
Known Issues
- Completion percentage in the crop module is not correct and is currently a work in progress.
- The count of events seen next to each crop module component is not dynamic and does not follow your field/year view selection. The count is currently looking across all years for each field and is incorrect when you view the crop module via a single field/year selection.
- The DONE button can appear selectable when you complete a record and then mark something as invalid. When you re-enter an invalid value, the input is kept to the last value and not set back to null.
- Enrollment year marked in the year tab is not dynamic based on the user and defaults to being 2021 for all users.
Fixed Issues
- The depth value is marked as being required when the application method is marked as being “Injected”. This is now marks as an optional data input.
- The density value has been added to all the slurry fertilizer options. The density value was removed from the “Other Non-manure Dry” selection.
- Validation was added to flag when a producer enters the “I didn’t do” option for all events during the enrollment year.
- Harvest events are allowed to be on the same day and will enable the ability to provide intercropping data into the crop module.
- The planting failure date is not allowed to be earlier than the planting date. Additional planting and harvest events are now allowed when a planting event was marked as a failure. This fix includes when the additional plant/harvest section is the same commodity type.
- Added validation has been added to the fertilizer’s DONE button to include a check on the overall amount of nitrogen being used.
- The watershed map layer now closes when the user toggles the map layer button to be off. This was previously lingering until the user left the map view/edit screen.
- The cutting/baling harvest has been updated to show the height as the remaining height of the biomass.
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