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Release Notes, December 14, 2021
This release includes the adjustment to the biomass event. Users will no longer see a separate biomass event in the Tillage, Cover Crops, Planting, and Harvest section of the crop module. The percentage of biomass removed is now asked during the harvest event. Users will see a radio button asking if there was any removal of biomass after that last harvest. The response to this question is dynamically based on enrollment year and is required starting in the harvest prior to the user’s enrollment year. This allows for the models to create a baseline for the enrollment year. The other major feature of this release is the ability to mark crop module data as incomplete. This will allow users to complete the crop module when required information was not known. These fields and seasons with an “incomplete” marking will be flagged during the End of Year Review module. The review process will allow changes to be made in addition to allowing the users to include a comment for reviewers.
Added Features
- The Biomass event has been adjusted to be part of the harvest event. The biomass removal is now an additional question in the harvest event. The residue question has been removed and users will now see the question for any removal of plant material, after that harvest event. This is required dynamically based on the enrollment year and if the user selects yes, the percentage of biomass removed is asked. If the harvest record was already marked as a cutting/bailing, the question is asked but the percentage is captured from the existing biomass removal percentage.
- The crop module has now been modified to allow data to be partially completed and be marked as done. This will allow the crop module to be completed when data points might not have been historically captured. To utilize this function, users must be in a single field/year view in the crop module. When in this view, users will see an “INCOMPLETE” button in the upper right corner. Using this button will mark all the sections (Fertilizer, Irrigation and Drainage, Tillage, Cover Crops, Planting, and Harvest) as done. Users are still able to unmark individual sections and make edits if needed.
Known Issues
- Completion percentage in the crop module is not correct and is currently a work in progress.
- The count of events seen next to each crop module component is not dynamic and does not follow your field/year view selection. The count is currently looking across all years for each field and is incorrect when you view the crop module via a single field/year selection.
- The DONE button can appear selectable when you complete a record and then mark something as invalid. When you re-enter an invalid value, the input is kept to the last value and not set back to null.
Fixed Issues
- Anhydrous Ammonia was changed to a dry fertilizer and the rate will now display to the user as lbs/acre instead of the previous gal/acre.
- The fertilizer rate has been increased to have a 1000 hard and 500 soft limits.
- The enrollment marking in the crop module has been fixed and is not dynamically shown based on the producer’s actual enrollment year.
- The database has been adjusted to store the correct verbiage for each event. Selections in the crop module are now shown properly and allow the data review to be easier on the user.
- The invite/re-invite feature that ESMC or project admin/staff has been updated. The button is now dynamic and will adjust the expiration date to a new two-week window. This will allow users to have their invite function properly when the account was created and prepopulated for the producer and or their delegate.
- The producer invite process was additionally updated by having the second email verification step removed. Now, users with an invite will no longer be required to verify their email. Those users that self-register will still be required to verify their email after their registration was submitted.
- Yield values have been removed from the copy and paste feature. Users will renter yield amounts to ensure a previous year was not accidentally saved.