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Release Notes, July 14, 2022


This release includes an updated administrative page layout. The new layout allows for project Administrator/Staff accounts to have better viewing and management abilities. The tabular structure will also allow for other future planned features to be implemented. Another new feature in the MRV is additional Crops module questions. The previous “Fertilizer” section has been expanded to include additional pesticide questions. Producers will now respond to usage of fungicide, herbicide, insecticide, and other regulators/fumigants. If a producer utilizes one of these, they will be asked for the number of times of application during that season.

The release also contains multiple fixes for both producers and administrative staff. Producers will now see updated warning messages and status icons when completing the Fields and Practice Changes module. These changes factor in the “planned crop” requirement that was previously implemented. Producers with access to the Crops module will also see the ability to mark the “Tillage, Cover Crops, Planting, and Harvest” section as being done. There was previously a bug that would not let the section to be marked as done when the questions were answered in a specific order. Administrative users will notice producer metric aggregation fixed when viewing a project. Projects will now dynamically aggregate the number of producers, fields, and acres based on the enrollment year. Administrative users will also notice the bug with the project’s enrollment filter fixed. Navigating to a project, selecting a desired enrollment year, viewing a producer, and returning to the project page will now save the enrollment filter. A full list of release notes has been included below.

Added Features

  • The MRV’s project pages have been updated to allow for additional planned features as well as a reorganization of current features and abilities. Administrators and staff accounts will now see the tab structure within a project instead of just on the overall MRV project page. There is planned improvements that will bring a project’s settings into appropriate tabs as well as future verification, approval, and submission pages.
  • For users with access to the Crops module, additional questions for pesticide usage have been added. Users will now see the fertilizer section renamed to “Fertilizer and Pesticides”. The response of yes to one of the pesticide types, will require the number of applications used.

Known Issues

  • The validation that is being done for producer fields overlapping against others is currently being placed in the Final Review and Submission The boundary overlap and other related field boundary validation/verification will be moved from the current module to a future planned page.
  • Uploading a csv of producers will fail if one or more of the producers already has an existing MRV account.

Fixed Issues

  • The aggregated producer metrics seen on a project page have been corrected to adjust dynamically based on the enrollment year. While the metrics are dynamic, they are an aggregation of all producers regardless of their enrollment status. This means the acreage amount includes producers in both the submission stage and ones still defining their fields.
  • The project’s enrollment year filter not saving the selection when returning from viewing a producer has been fixed. Administrator and staff accounts will now return to the project page and their previous enrollment filter will still be in place.
  • The Fields & Practice Changes module will now show the planned crop selection as a completed item when the module is marked as being successfully completed. Additionally, the bug showing a completed status icon when missing a planned crop selection has been resolved. Users will now see the module as being in progress when the planned crop is still missing.
  • The issue with viewing a producer’s selected enrollment has been fixed. When viewing a producer, the enrollment year will open from the enrollment filter that was being used when the producer was selected. If the producer was selected with a 2022 enrollment filter, the producer’s page will display with the 2022 enrollment open.
  • The bug resulting in an empty page when adding producer has been fixed. Administrators and staff can now add a producer to an empty project and will no longer see their browser load an empty page.
  • The Crops module has been updated to address a bug found in the cover crop event. Users will now be able to mark their “Tillage, Cover Crops, Planting, and Harvest” section as being done regardless of the order of operations used when answering the cover crop event. Previously, the order of response in the cover crop event prevented the “DONE” button from being selectable.
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