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Release Notes, July 28, 2022


This release includes additional questions to the Crops module. Producers with access to 2021 enrollments will see an additional section in the Crops module. Fuel and electricity questions will be asked of the producer and the provided data will be included in modeling. Producers will notice the electricity question will only require additional information when the source is non-renewable. Another change included in this release but unseen by the MRV, is the map function codebase. The map’s codebase has been adjusted to allow planned features to begin development.

One of the main issues fixed in this release is the producer enrollment metric. This was previously staying tied to 2021 data, regardless of project enrollment year. MRV administrative users will now see the producer count change with the enrollment year. Producers marked as pending or disabled will be excluded from this enrollment metric. Another fix in this release is for the overall MRV producer page. The list of producers will no longer change when any producer in the list has a profile data point updated. A full list of release notes has been included below.

Added Features

  • The Crop module has an additional section category for producer data entry. The module will now contain a “Electricity and Fuel” section that asks additional questions on usage.  
  • The MRV’s codebase for map features was updated. These code changes are unnoticeable from the user’s experience and support future planned map improvements.
  • MRV users marking practice change(s) on fields will now see additional information. To help explain ESMC policies, users will see a notification about the practice change not being attempted within the last 10 years of their enrollment year.

Known Issues

  • The aggregation on project’s acreage and field count is incorrect once the project has multiple pages for the producer list.
  • The validation that is being done for producer fields overlapping against others is currently being placed in the Final Review and Submission module. The boundary overlap and other related field boundary validation/verification will be moved from the current module to a future planned page.
  • Uploading a csv of producers will fail if one or more of the producers already has an existing MRV account.

Fixed Issues

  • The aggregation for the enrolled producer has been corrected to be dynamic based on the enrollment year. Additionally, the producers marked as disabled or pending will no longer be included in the aggregation shown on the MRV’s project pages.
  • The ordering for the cover crop selection has been adjusted to match other standardized MRV dropdowns.
  • Renaming a field before editing the field’s boundary will no longer revert the name change.
  • The bug affecting the producer list when a producer’s profile information was renamed has been fixed. ESMC administrators/staff with access to the MRV’s producer list will no longer see the page refresh and change results once a producer’s contact information is adjusted.
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