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Release Notes, June 29, 2023


This release opens the Final Review and Submission module to both MRV administrator/staff and producer accounts. A producer’s submission will now generate a series of checks for a MRV reviewer. This is no longer displayed as a static item and the reviewer can mark the review as appropriate. The review follows the same behavior as the MRV’s Fields and Practice Changes Review. The reviewer will see a list of the producer’s fields and each field will have a set of checks. Once the producer’s review has been correctly marked, it can be approved and the producer’s status will be updated to “Crop Data Approved”. If the producer’s review is rejected, the producer will be able to see the review and will see the checks, along with the text, for those that were passed but changed or marked as failed.

A couple of issues were fixed for the Final Review and Submission updates. Producers who had their Final Review and Submission marked as approved will see the appropriate “unlock” buttons. Another fix included in this release will resolve the issue where the producer’s review could be marked as approved even though the reviewer unlocked the Crops module and left it unlocked prior to approving the review. The full list of release notes has been included below.

Added Features

  • The Final Review and Submission module is now active in the MRV. The application will no longer show a static page. Reviewers can mark the checks and provide the appropriate text. Each of the producer’s fields will have a set of checks for the reviewer to complete. Checks that are marked as automatic will be run by the application and the checks marked for manual review will be left for the reviewer.
  • The MRV’s list of project using AdobeSign contracts has been updated. An additional agreement has been added and will be utilized by the appropriate project(s). If the MRV project does not have a project, the producer’s Producer Agreement module can not be completed.

Known Issues

  • Producers that have self-registered on the registration page will show a status of N/A on the MRV’s admin pages. Once the producer’s enrollment request is approved or denied, the producer’s status will be updated.
  • The Fields and Practice Changes Review & Final Review and Submission modules require the user to save before the comments and markings are saved in the database. If the reviewer leaves the review before saving their progress, it will not be saved and the reviewer will need to start over.

Fixed Issues

  • The MRV’s administrative functions were updated to accommodate the final review changes. The producer’s “unlock” options were updated to handle the new features and producer status markings.
  • The producer’s landing page was updated to correct the incorrect status marking when the producer’s final review is marked as rejected. 
  • The bug allowing producers reviews to be marked as approved while the Crops module is still unlocked has been resolved. If the review results in data changes, the producer’s final review will require the reviewer to re-mark the Crops module as completed before the review can be marked as approved.
  • All of the MRV’s contracts have had updated behavior for the AdobeSign. Producers will no longer be required to provided a tax id on the contract.
  • Completed Adobe contracts are now able to be downloaded through the MRV. Previously, if the producer had multiple contracts with some unsigned, the application would show an error when the producer attempted to download.
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