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Release Notes, March 1, 2022
This release contains the ability to handle multiple enrollment years. Large amounts of the database and code have been adjusted to be repointed to new data points. Additional tables/columns have been added to handle the multiple states of progress a user might have. Newly created users will not see a noticeable difference since their enrollment year will be set as 2022 at the account creation time. These users will have a single year scope and will not see the ability to change their enrollment year back to 2021.
Users that were marked with the 2021 enrollment year will have their current 2021 progress remain the same but will now see a year dropdown option on their producer homepage. This will allow them to create a 2022 enrollment profile and when they do choose the following year, a new record is created for the additional year. Producers that have not completed their 2021 Producer Agreement are able to utilize the 2022 option the same as for completed 2021 users. It is important to note these users will not be able to add additional fields into 2021 once they have entered the 2022 enrollment. While the ability to add fields in 2021 is restricted once the user creates a 2022 record, the ability to mark their current data as “done” is still present when the user returns to their 2021 enrollment. Additionally, once the user opens the 2022 enrollment, the existing practice changes are carried over. If the user did not have any practice changes marked at that time, there will not be any carry over of practice changes and the user will have to apply practice changes independent of the year. Practice changes are only carried over once for the user. Users can add new fields into 2022 and remove them as needed but are unable to adjust their carried over 2021 fields. The 2022 enrollment module will only have users complete the Fields and Practice Changes & Producer Agreement modules. The other modules will be hidden when the enrollment selection is 2022.
Added Features
- The 2022 enrollment feature has been added into the mrv2 application. New users will be marked as 2022 enrollees and be able to define their field boundaries and practice changes. Existing users will be able to add a year to their existing enrollment. These existing users will have their 2021 fields/changes carried over to 2022. The additional enrollment year allows producers to add fields and edit their needed practice changes for the new fields or existing fields. Users that have carried over fields are unable to edit or remove them besides for editing the field’s practice change.
- Certain admin pages now have an enrollment year selection. Admin pages that deal with lists of producers will now contain an option for changing the enrollment year. This toggle of the year will change the list of users seen and allows for functions like “Unlock Fields” to be utilized for a specific enrollment year.
- Users within a 2022 enrollment year will no longer be able to move past the Producer Agreement The additional modules have been hidden and will only show when the user is within a 2021 enrollment. Users that have 2021 enrollment markings can go back to their 2021 records and edit only if they have not already submitted that year’s enrollment.
- Users with existing 2021 practice changes will have those same field practice changes copied over to the next year’s enrollment once they toggle the year selection. Producers can either continue with these same field practices or can make changes, which are independent of the enrollment year. Users with fields marked with “No Change” will have that practice change carry over as well.
Known Issues
- Completion percentage in the crop module is not correct and is currently a work in progress. When the “Incomplete” button is used, the completion percentage still sees that area as not being complete. This issue will only be for the 2021 users that can navigate past the Producer Enrollment module and have not already completed their Crops
- Fields carried over from the previous year do not show up as existing boundaries when adding in new fields. Currently, only fields added in that enrollment year show up while adding additional fields via the UI map option. The hidden fields remain with the user and are shown on the map when the user finishes editing/adding fields.
- Fields being selected in the Fields and Practice Changes module will move the map to their location. The field boundaries do not have the yellow perimeter showing the current selection even though the field is being selected from the list.
- Admin pages will need to have aggregated data adjusted to either be a sum of years or default to a single year when the page does not have an enrollment toggle option.
- The producer agreement pdf is still the overall default ESMC producer agreement. There will be an additional release that shows a different producer agreement based on the project the user is in.
- Collapsing the enrollment year selection and attempting to click the “SHOW FUTURE STEPS” results in all modules being hidden. A browser page refresh will force the module options to reappear.
Fixed Issues
- The archive process for producers’ fields has been corrected and changed to allow for multiple years to be present. The previous unlock feature was found to remove records outside of the producer’s records being unlocked. While this did not unlock other users’ fields through the UI, it did create a data gap that has been fixed with a migration script. All users that submitted their 2021 Producer Agreement will have their field boundaries and practice changes archive records restored. Adjustments to the archive functionality have also been made to allow multiple years to be stored.
- The practice change of “No Change” is no longer being stored as a Boolean type. This has allowed the practice change to be able to be carried over from the previous year’s enrollment and supports the multi-year functionality now in the mrv2 application.
- The validation for the Fields and Practice Changes was adjusted to be year independent. This makes sure that users are not able to submit an enrollment year without any practice changes being applied. This was being bypassed if the fields between enrollment years were the same and the user did not have any practice changes applied to the existing fields before they were copied over to the following year.
- The unlock feature has been adjusted to make sure the selected enrollment year is linked. This allows the admin/staff to unlock fields for a user’s specific year instead of by overall user.