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Release Notes, March 2, 2022


This release contains bug fixes as well as an improved Producer Agreement module. Since ESMC projects might not have the same agreement, the mrv2 application will now look at the producer’s project association. When the producer enters the Producer Agreement, the link to the agreement PDF will change for the correct project. If the project does not have a specific Producer Agreement, the mrv2 application will default to the generic 2021/2022 PDF. The release also contains a fix for the bug users would encounter when collapsing their enrollment and module steps. Users will no longer need to perform a hard refresh to see the correct modules. Additionally, the map issue for carried over fields not showing while in edit/add mode has been fixed. Users will now see their existing fields while in edit mode and this will include the fields that were carried over into the current enrollment year.

Added Features

  • The producer agreement pdf is no longer a single default ESMC producer agreement. Projects with specific producer agreements had additional PDFs added into the mrv2 application. The producer’s project association is used during the Producer Agreement. Producers that are part of a project that does not use a specific producer agreement, will continue to utilize a generic 2021/2022 agreement. Any projects with additional agreements will need to have those added through the back end until the project’s edit functionality contains an upload option.

Known Issues

  • Completion percentage in the crop module is not correct and is currently a work in progress. When the “Incomplete” button is used, the completion percentage still sees that area as not being complete. This issue will only be for the 2021 users that can navigate past the Producer Enrollment module and have not already completed their Crops
  • Fields being selected in the Fields and Practice Changes module will move the map to their location. The field boundaries do not have the yellow perimeter showing the current selection even though the field is being selected from the list.
  • Admin pages will need to have aggregated data adjusted to either be a sum of years or default to a single year when the page does not have an enrollment toggle option.

Fixed Issues

  • Fields carried over from the previous year will now show up as existing boundaries when adding in new fields. Previously, only fields added in the current selected enrollment year showed up while adding additional fields via the UI map option. The correct list of fields will now show on the map when the user is editing/adding fields.
  • Collapsing the enrollment year selection and attempting to click the “SHOW FUTURE STEPS” no longer results in all modules being hidden. A browser page refresh will no longer be needed to force the application’s module list to reappear.
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