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Release Notes, November 23, 2021


This release includes the watershed map layer that can be used while in the application’s mapping mode. In addition to the watershed data, this release includes minor updates. 

Added Features

  • Watershed is now available as a map layer that can be overlaid just like the Protected Areas and Cropland Data Layers (CDL). The same selection box is used and just like the CDL layers, the watershed is split into different levels and shown as different selectable options. The larger areas such as the HUC2-10 can be overlaid but due to zoom being limited, will look like it is just one area covering the entire map. HUC12 is the lowest level available and white boarders on the map will signify the different zones. Clicking on the zones will give you the watershed data.


Known Issues

  • The producer moving feature is currently available to Project Admin/Staff. While Project Admin/Staff do not have access to another project’s producers, they can see the list of projects available and can move one of the producers in their project into another project. If this is done and the producer needed to be reverted to the original project, an ESMC Admin/Staff or the other project’s Admin/Staff would need to move that producer back. 
  • Watershed layer will linger if the user stays in the map mode but toggles the map layer function off. Panning the map will remove the layer and users can continue their map editing. Closing out of the map mode while the watershed layer is overlaid, will close it as expected. 

Fixed Issues

  • All the images have been updated on the registration page and are no longer stock images. 

  • Producers were able to be moved from one project to another but viewing a producer’s account before attempting to move a producer, would make the list of projects appear empty. ESMC Admin/Staff can now view a producer, go back to the admin dashboard, and are no longer shown an empty list of projects when they attempt to move a producer.

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