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Release Notes, October 29, 2021
This release features the introduction of the crop module. This will be the module where producers will input their data for the enrollment year and historical years. This module will be released in the following three stages:
- The till, plant, harvest & cover crop component
- The fertilizer component
- The irrigation component
This crop module will only be available to producers that have completed both the Field & Practice and Producer Agreement modules. Once both of those modules have been completed, the crop module will become available. The crop module is able to be done via manual data entry at this time. Producers will have the ability to copy and paste data once they have entered data for a single field and year. Later releases will expand on the current options and begin to introduce the fertilizer and irrigation components as well as any needed updates.
Added Features
- The Crop module has begun to be incorporated into the ESMC portal. Producers that have submitted their fields and signed the producer agreement will now be able to start entering their crop data. Producers will be able to begin entering their tillage, planting, and harvest information as other crop module components are released. Producers can enter this information for all their submitted fields and can do so while viewing the data in multiple ways. Producers can choose to view and enter their data in a single year, single field type view or in a multiple year/field combination. Producers can enter data for the current year and the previous three years.
Known Issues
- The crop module will not show the correct completion percentage depending on the view of field /field combination. This completion percentage will be updated in later releases.
- Validation is present in the crop module but limited in scope. As future versions are released, there will be additional validation added in. The current validation will prevent the “DONE” button from being available and will also prevent the section from being marked as done. Current validation includes row-based requirements such as each event to be recorded, a date provided, and a yield amount. The tillage depth and yield amount have limits that disable producers from entering anything outside the expected range. The overall section validation will check the planting and harvest types and the ratio of planting and harvest events.
- Cover crop is not currently an option and will be introduced into crop module in a later release.
- Harvest and planting events do not include options such as planting failed, perennial options, residue harvest, and cutting/bailing. These options will be introduced in a later release.
- The biomass event is not currently available and will be introduced in a later release.