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Release Notes, October 4, 2022


This release mainly contains fixes and features for the Crops module. The first thing that users will notice in the updated Crops module is the removal of the “Incomplete” button. Users will no longer be able to utilize this option to bypass the MRV’s validation. Users will also notice that depending on the previous data, there might still be items needing to be completed. Users have had their enrollment progress rolled back to match the updated MRV’s requirements. Users with completed Crops module sections had those sections unmarked if required data was still missing. Users will no longer have to respond to the organic marking. This bug has been fixed and the section’s “Done” button will be available once all other data requirements are completed. The list of fields shown in the Crops module has been updated to show the current year and any previous fields that have been carried over.

Additional changes have been implemented in the Fields and Practice Changes module. Users will now have their marked practice change checked to insure it still meets what the project is accepting. When a field has a non-accepted practice change, the user will see a warning message when marking their module as completed. The module’s validation has also been updated to allow bypassing flags seen as warnings. These warnings would be things like overlaps with the Protected Area Data United States (PAD-US) data set or roadways. The blocker flag will still disallow the user from continuing. The MRV’s map feature has also been updated with new overlay control behavior. The map control box will now be a single box in the left-hand corner. Users will also notice the issue with the unmovable area next to the map control has been resolved. The full list of release notes has been included below.

Added Features

  • Additional validation has been added to the Fields and Practice Changes module. The producer’s marked practice change(s) will now run against the project’s acceptance list. Users with practice changes no longer being accepted by the project will see a warning message.
  • The incomplete feature has been removed from the Crops module. Data entry is now required and unable to be bypassed through the previous “Incomplete” option. Users that previously had this marking have been moved back in their progress. Users with now incomplete data will need to complete the remaining data to ensure their data can be modeled.
  • There has been updated terminology implemented into the MRV. For certain MRV areas, the term “enrollment” has been changed to “collection”.

Known Issues

  • The aggregation on a project’s acreage and field count is incorrect once the project has multiple pages for the producer list.
  • The validation that is being done for producer fields overlapping against others is currently being placed in the Final Review and Submission module. The boundary overlap and other related field boundary validation/verification will be moved from the current module to a future planned page.
  • Producers that have self-registered on the registration page will show a status of N/A on the MRV’s admin pages. Once the producer’s enrollment request is approved or denied, the producer’s status will be updated.

Fixed Issues

  • The validation done during the Fields and Practice Changes module has been updated. Users will now be allowed to bypass warnings but will still be prevented from continuing when there are any blocker type issues.
  • The Crops module no longer shows fields added in future enrollment years. The list of fields is generated from the list of fields continuing and any new fields added during that season.
  • The Crops module will not show a field once it has been marked with “Pending enrollment” as a practice change. Fields with this marking will not lose any existing data.
  • The organic planting check-box bug has been fixed. Users will not be forced to toggle the check to allow the “Done” button to be available.
  • The MRV’s map overlay controls have been updated. The updated control behavior allows for a larger map visual.  The changes will also resolve the area of the map that was previously unmovable. Users will no longer have a portion of the map become unmovable when an overlay was turned on.
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