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Release Notes, September 27, 2022


This release does not include any new features and only contains fixed items. The MRV will no longer allow the Crops module to open if the producer’s account does not have any fields. To avoid confusion during data entry, the tillage event will no longer contain a “No Till” option. Users will now mark the event as “I did not till” when they are running a no-till operation. Producers that previously utilized this “No Till” selection will have their records automatically converted to the appropriate selection. Another bug fixed was for the ESMC Staff role. This role can now properly invite both project administrative staff and producers.

The validation done during the Fields and Practice Changes module has been updated. The validation will now show the issues found as either a warning (yellow text) or a blocker (red text). The producer’s module will not be able to be marked as done if there are any blocker type issues. The module will allow the users to continue if the issues are only warnings. The full list of release notes has been included below.

Added Features

  • No new features were included in this release.

Known Issues

  • The aggregation on a project’s acreage and field count is incorrect once the project has multiple pages for the producer list.
  • The validation that is being done for producer fields overlapping against others is currently being placed in the Final Review and Submission module. The boundary overlap and other related field boundary validation/verification will be moved from the current module to a future planned page.
  • Producers that have self-registered on the registration page will show a status of N/A on the MRV’s admin pages. Once the producer’s enrollment request is approved or denied, the producer’s status will be updated.

Fixed Issues

  • The Crops tillage event has been updated with a new “no-till” behavior. Users will no longer select “no-till” as an implement type in the tillage event. Users will now either select a tillage event or select the “did not till” option.
  • The Crops module will no longer be able to be opened when the producer does not have any fields.
  • The validation checks seen during the Fields and Practice Changes module have been updated. The various checks will now show as a blocker, or as a warning type.
  • The ESMC Administrative Staff role has been updated. This role will now be able to invite/create both producers and project Admin/Staff accounts.
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